Macy is
a full time trout guide in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She is the only
female fly fishing guide in the state of South Dakota. Macy began fly fishing
at the age of nine with her dad where she first cast a rod in the Gallatin
River of Montana. You could say that the seed was definitely planted and will
never leave her. She loves that the industry of fly fishing is constantly
growing and there is a community involved everywhere she goes. When she’s not guiding
in South Dakota, Macy has a strong passion for saltwater fishing. Whether it’s
chasing Tarpon, or getting constant rejections from Permit to tailing Reds in
the grass. She is constantly learning and continuing to what she calls “getting
humbled” when she is flats fishing. In her eyes, fly fishing isn’t just about
catching fish, it's all about the places it takes you. Whether she’s in the
Black Hills guiding or chasing fish down South, as long as Macy has a rod in
her hand or close by she will feel right at home.